Know How Your Food is Made? It’s a Scarier Than You Think.

During my time spent with the flu, I had plenty of free time in bed to watch television. We do not have cable since we are never really home to watch TV. Luckily we do have Amazon Prime and Netflix which are life savers if you do not have cable and you are sick with nothing to do BUT watch TV.

A friend of mine recommended the documentary “Forks Over Knives.” It’s about the effects of animal product on our bodies (both meat and dairy). I HIGHLY recommend everyone watch it. And I sincerely hope that everyone recognizes how important fruits and vegetables are for healthy living and to avoid such terrors as heart disease and cancer. Yes… eating less meat will reduce your chances of getting cancer. Your genes do not play that big of a role compared to what you put in your mouth at every meal.

After watching this documentary, I decided to watch other ones. I watched “Vegucated”, “Farmagedon”, “Ingredients”, and “Fresh” (Note: “Food Inc.” is also a great one that I watched last year). These are all excellent documentaries that hit on the same fact that our industrialized food industry is going to be the death of us as well as our environment. Did you know that the food industry is more harmful to the environment than the cars we drive? In North Carolina alone, the pigs create more waste than all the humans in the state. And that is just North Carolina.

The FDA plays a large role in promoting industrialized food production while tearing down our local farmers. It sickens me the amount of money (millions upon millions) spent by the FDA to find issues with local farmers that just aren’t there (watch “Farmagedon” and “Food Inc.”). Money that could be spent to provide more people health care or shelter for the homeless. YOU NAME IT AND THAT IS A BETTER USE OF MONEY!!!

Not to mention the process of raising the animals and then the process of slaughtering them is the most inhumane process. Your milk comes from cows that are artificially impregnated and the baby calf that results is then used for veal. The cow gives milk and then is re-impregnated till it’s body cannot handle it anymore and then it is killed. Once killed (with a bolt through its head), it is used as a meal for other cows that you eat in your burger and steaks. Yes… cows eating cows. Sounds natural right? Now does that glass of 2% milk sound so appetizing? Not to me.

That juicy slice of ham comes from a big that is thrown into hot water to be drowned and then sliced up immediately whether its actually dead or not. Male chicks in a egg producing plant (PLANT NOT FARM) are crushed to death and ground up for more cow and pig food of which again, you will be eating. The chicks that make it through this process then have their beaks shaved so they can’t peck at each other and also have their feet shaved so they can’t attach each other. No numbing of any kind, this process is just done outright regardless of the pain these animals are put through. Does that bacon and egg breakfast sound so appealing now? I assume you get my point.

I’m sick of it and I think we the people need to stand up to our government and demand change. Organic and local is sustainable. It may be more costly than that dollar menu burger at that fast food place, but it will save you thousands on medical bills in the future for heart disease or cancer that resulted from lots of those dollar menu burgers.

I for one want to live the longest life possible and the most fulfilling life. I want to be 95 and still able to ride a bike. Not sitting in a chair all day wasting away because I didn’t take care of myself and because I just had to have that tasty fried chicken.

Now I’m not asking that everyone give up meat. I know that is hard. But I strongly encourage you to eat less of it and when you do, find a local farmer and find out how they treat their animals. Buy local, ESPECIALLY your meat.

We are very fortunate to have a butcher here in Ballantyne, “What’s Your Beef” that gets all of his meat from local farms and then processes it himself. It’s all great quality meat and it’s also grass-fed which is another plus. Grass-fed animals are not eating processed food, injected with hormones, or eating other cows!

In addition, contact your local state representatives and your congressman and ask for change. Demand it. I plan to write all of my representatives several letters requesting change. I may even write the President. Enough is enough. Let’s stop large corporations from running our government and our lives. Think about the amount of jobs that this would create? Farming is not even considered an occupation today because large corporations have taken away all the jobs and shipped them overseas or possibly replaced them with machinery.

Okay my rant is done (temporarily) but I hope each of you consider the effects of your food and start buying local.

Not So Vegan No Bake Cookies

So this past Sunday I decided to get back to my roots and make some yumminess in the kitchen! I haven’t really baked in a long time. I love to cook/bake and have not really had time until now to do so. Well… I don’t really have time, but it sounded like more fun than getting labels ready for wedding invites going out this week! But alas I still had to print labels Sunday night.

Anyways… I follow this great blogger who is also in the Charlotte area: Designer Wife. I have to admit she is the one who gave me the inspiration to start blogging myself (I haven’t told her yet, :-)). Anyways, I remembered a while back she posted a recipe on some Vegan No Bake Cookies.

I’m all for vegan but at the time I did not have most of the vegan ingredients in my pantry. I also did not have cocoa powder. So instead I used unsweetened chocolate baking squares. Use what you have! Bethenny Frankel would be so proud of me. Haha

Step 1:Bring sugar, earth balance & soymilk to a rolling boil for 1 1/2 minutes.”  

As I mentioned before I had no earth balance in my house, so butter worked as a substitute. No soymilk, but luckily I had almond milk. Finally, I added sugar and the baking squares. I actually only ended up using 5 of them.

I brought all of these items to a boil and then removed them from heat.

Step 2:Decrease heat and quickly mix in oats, cocoa, peanut butter & vanilla.”

I had the oats and vanilla extract but no regular peanut butter. I find that peanut butter has too many calories and I cannot justify it anymore. I have since then found this wonderful product called PB2. It’s a product made up solely of powdered peanuts and salt. You add water till you reach the level of consistency that you like for your peanut butter. I use it for just about everything. It’s only 45 calories for 2 tbsp of peanut butter versus 200 calories for regular peanut butter. Not to mention, it actually tastes good to be so healthy! I think that makes PB2 a no brainer.  But alas, I had no original PB2 in the house, I just finished it off this past week. So Chocolate PB2 came to my rescue.

Step 3:Mix well and drop large spoon fulls on to wax paper or sheets of foil.”

And there you have it folks! Yummy, gooey, delicious no bake cookies. I have to admit that the hardest part of the cookie making process was waiting for them to cool.

It just makes you want to lick the bowl clean. 🙂 And you might be wondering, “where is that handsome fiance of yours during this cookie making event?”

Sleeping sound as a baby. Haha Isn’t he so cute? 😉 But of course I needed a taste tester, so I gently woke him up and let him know that he had cookies to test!

They passed the taste test! But what chocolate dessert does not? If my co-workers are lucky, they might be seeing these yummy treats soon!

Hope that you enjoy the recipe and make it your own. 🙂

DW’s Vegan No Bake Cookie Recipe:

2 cups unbleached raw sugar
1/2 cup earth balance
1/2 cup unsweetened soymilk
3 tbs. cocoa

1 tbs. natural peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups oats

* Bring sugar, earth balance & soymilk to a rolling boil for 1 1/2 minutes.

* Decrease heat and quickly mix in oats, cocoa, peanut butter & vanilla.

* Mix well and drop large spoon fulls on to wax paper or sheets of foil.

* Immediately enjoy one while warm & gooey… let the rest set until cool.

* Lick the spoon.

PS: I found the pink to be very appropriate. 🙂